All Plants: Nymphaea - Nymphaea (128)

Nymphaea 'Alba' Nymphaea 'Alba Plenissima' Nymphaea 'Albatross' Nymphaea 'Albida' Nymphaea 'Amabilis' Nymphaea 'Andreana' Nymphaea 'Anna Epple' Nymphaea 'Antares' Nymphaea 'Aquarius' Nymphaea 'Aquateius' Nymphaea 'Arc En Ciel' Nymphaea 'Atropurpurea' Nymphaea 'Attraction' Nymphaea 'Barbara Dobbins' Nymphaea 'Baroness Orczy' Nymphaea 'Berit Strawn' Nymphaea 'Black Princess' Nymphaea 'Burgundy Princess' Nymphaea 'Catherine Marie' Nymphaea 'Cathy Stroupe' Nymphaea 'Charlene Strawn' Nymphaea 'Charles de Meurville' Nymphaea 'Charlie's Choice' Nymphaea 'Chromatella' Nymphaea 'Colorado' Nymphaea 'Comanche' Nymphaea 'David' Nymphaea 'Denver' Nymphaea 'Director George T. Moore' Nymphaea 'Ellisiana' Nymphaea 'Emily Grant Hutchings' Nymphaea 'Escarboucle' Nymphaea 'Evelyn Randig' Nymphaea 'Firecrest' Nymphaea 'Fritz Junge' Nymphaea 'Froebelii' Nymphaea 'General Pershing' Nymphaea 'Gladstoneana' Nymphaea 'Gloire de Temple sur Lot' Nymphaea 'Gloriosa' Nymphaea 'Gold Medal' Nymphaea 'Graziella' Nymphaea 'Gruss an Potsdam' Nymphaea 'Helvola' Nymphaea 'Hermine' Nymphaea 'Hollandia' Nymphaea 'Indiana' Nymphaea 'Isabelle Pring' Nymphaea 'James Brydon' Nymphaea 'James Gurney' Nymphaea 'Jennifer Rebecca' Nymphaea 'Jessie's Purple Passion' Nymphaea 'Joanne Pring' Nymphaea 'Joey Tomocik' Nymphaea 'Laydekeri Fulgens' Nymphaea 'Laydekeri Purpurata' Nymphaea 'Lemon Chiffon' Nymphaea 'Leopardess' Nymphaea 'Lilypons' Nymphaea 'Lindsey Woods' Nymphaea 'Liou' Nymphaea 'Little Sue' Nymphaea 'Lone Star' Nymphaea 'Luciana' Nymphaea 'Lucida' Nymphaea 'Luxurious Red' Nymphaea 'Madame Maurice Laydeker' Nymphaea 'Marliacea Carnea' Nymphaea 'Marliacea Flammea' Nymphaea 'Mary' Nymphaea 'Masaniello' Nymphaea 'Maurice Laydeker' Nymphaea 'Mayla' Nymphaea 'Meteor' Nymphaea 'Missouri' Nymphaea 'Mrs. Edwards Whitaker' Nymphaea 'Mrs. GH Pring' Nymphaea 'Newton' Nymphaea 'Nigel' Nymphaea 'Odorata Luciana' Nymphaea 'Pam Bennett' Nymphaea 'Paul Hariot' Nymphaea 'Perry's Baby Red' Nymphaea 'Perry's Fire Opal' Nymphaea 'Peter Slocum' Nymphaea 'Pink Beauty' Nymphaea 'Pink Grapefruit' Nymphaea 'Pink Platter' Nymphaea 'Pink Sensation' Nymphaea 'Pink Sparkle' Nymphaea 'Pink Starlet' Nymphaea 'Pygmaea Rubra' Nymphaea 'Queen of Siam' Nymphaea 'Queen of the Whites' Nymphaea 'Ray Davies' Nymphaea 'Red Flare' Nymphaea 'Rembrandt' Nymphaea 'Rosa deNoche' Nymphaea 'Rose Arey' Nymphaea 'Rose Magnolia' Nymphaea 'Rosennymphe' Nymphaea 'Rowena' Nymphaea 'Seignoretti' Nymphaea 'Sioux' Nymphaea 'Sirius' Nymphaea 'St. Louis Gold' Nymphaea 'Steven Strawn' Nymphaea 'Sumptuosa' Nymphaea 'Sunny Pink' Nymphaea 'Sunrise' Nymphaea 'Texas Dawn' Nymphaea 'Texas Shell Pink' Nymphaea 'Trudy Slocum' Nymphaea 'Vesuve' Nymphaea 'Virginalis' Nymphaea 'Virginia' Nymphaea 'Walter Pagels' Nymphaea 'Yuh Ling' Nymphaea capensis var. zanzibariensis Nymphaea caroliniana'Nivea' Nymphaea colorata Nymphaea gigantea var. neorosea Nymphaea x hybrida Nymphaea x marliacea Nymphaea micrantha Nymphaea odorata Nymphaea odorata'Sulphurea Grandiflora' Nymphaea tuberosa'Poestlingberg'