All Plants: Prat - Prim (129)
Prayer Plant (spp.)
Prayer Plant Herringbone Plant
Prayer Plant: leuconeura kerchoviana
Precious Platinum Rose
Pres. Grevy Common Lilac
President Lincoln Common Lilac
Prestige Scarlet Crested Celosia
Preston Lilac Coral
Preston Lilac James Macfarlane
Preston Lilac Minuet
Preston Lilac Miss Canada
Preston Lilac Red Wine
Pretty Face Starlight
Pretty in Rose Madagascar Periwinkle
Pretty Pebbles
Prickley Ash, Lime
Prickly Acacia
Prickly Ash, Chinese
Prickly Ash, Common
Prickly Ash, Flatspine
Prickly Ash, Northern
Prickly Ash, Southern
Prickly Castor Oil Tree
Prickly Cedar
Prickly Juniper
Prickly Leaved Paperbark
Prickly Leaved Wattle
Prickly Moses
Prickly Pear Cactus (spp.)
Prickly Pear Cactus Beaver Creek
Prickly Pear Cactus True Burbank Thornless
Prickly Pear Cactus: brasiliensis
Prickly Pear Cactus: clavata
Prickly Pear Cactus: compressa
Prickly Pear Cactus: leucotricha
Prickly Pear Cactus: microdasys
Prickly Pear Cactus: phaeacantha
Prickly Pear Cactus: platicans
Prickly Pear Cactus: spinosissima
Prickly Pear, Blind
Prickly Pear, Chaparral
Prickly Pear, Coast
Prickly Pear, Eastern
Prickly Pear, Long Spined (spp.)
Prickly Pear, Long Spined Beets Me
Prickly Pear, New Mexico
Prickly Pear, Plains
Prickly Pear, Purple
Prickly Pear, Purple Fruited
Prickly Pear, Spineless (spp.)
Prickly Pear, Spineless Burbank Thornless
Prickly Pear, Tall Coast
Prickly Pear, Violet Duraznilla
Prickly Poppy
Prickly Tea Tree Horizantalis
Prickly Thrift
Prickly Waterlily
Pride of Bolivia
Pride of Burma Ginger (spp.)
Pride of Burma Ginger White Flame
Pride of India (spp.)
Pride of India Jade Snowflake
Pride of Madeira
Pride of Table Mountain
Primadonna® Rose Purple Coneflower
Primavera Witchhazel
Prime Minister Garden Phlox
Primera Urn Plant
Primetime Lavender Garden Petunia
Primetime Plum Garden Petunia
Primetime Rose Garden Petunia
Primrose Beauty Red Hot Poker
Primrose Beauty Shrubby Cinquefoil
Primrose Common Lilac
Primrose Creeper, Dwarf
Primrose Heron Lamb's Ears
Primrose Jasmine
Primrose Lady American Marigold
Primrose (spp.)
Primrose Theodora
Primrose Trillium
Primrose Yellow Garden Canna
Primrose, Baby
Primrose, Beach Evening
Primrose, Big Fruit Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Big Fruit Evening Silver Wings
Primrose, Candelabra
Primrose, Cape
Primrose, Cape
Primrose, Common (spp.)
Primrose, Cowboy
Primrose, English (spp.)
Primrose, Evening
Primrose, Fairy
Primrose, Fragrant Evening
Primrose, German (spp.)
Primrose, German Apple Blossom
Primrose, Japanese
Primrose, Mexican Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Mexican Evening Rosea
Primrose, Missouri Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Missouri Evening Silver Wings
Primrose, Narrow Leaf Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Narrow Leaf Evening Summer Solstice
Primrose, Pink Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Pink Evening Rosea
Primrose, Poison (spp.)
Primrose, Poison Apple Blossom
Primrose, Polyanthus (spp.)
Primrose, Showy Evening (spp.)
Primrose, Showy Evening Rosea
Primrose, Sikkimensis (spp.)
Primrose, Sikkimensis Ceperly Hybrid
Primrose, Top (spp.)
Primrose, Top Apple Blossom
Primrose, Tufted Evening
Primrose, White Evening (spp.)
Primrose, White Evening Rosea
Primrose: capitata
Primrose: elatior
Primrose: fruticosa, Narrow Leaf Evening
Primrose: hybrid Cowichan
Primrose: hybrid Kewensis
Primrose: hybrid Tie Dye
Primrose: hybridahybrid Anantha
Primula, Orchid (spp.)
Primula, Orchid Orchid Primrose