All Plants: Ragg - Recu (93)
Ragged Orchid
Ragged Robin
Raggedy Anne Copper Plant
Ragin Cajin Red Ruellia
Ragweed, Annual
Ragweed, Giant
Ragweed, Great
Ragwort (spp.)
Ragwort Britt-Marie Crawford
Ragwort Desdemona
Ragwort Othello
Ragwort, Monro's
Railroad Vine
Rain Lily
Rain Lily: candida
Rain of Gold
Rainbow Drooping Laurel
Rainbow Flowering Dogwood
Rainbow Pink Low
Rainbow Pink Rosemarie
Rainbow Pink Snowfire
Rainbow Plant (spp.)
Rainbow Plant Chameleon
Rainbow River Flax
Rainbow Rockcress (spp.)
Rainbow Rockcress Snow Cap
Rainbow Rockcress Whitewell Gem
Rainbow Shower Tree
Rainbow Sunrise (Maori Queen) New Zealand Flax
Rainbows End White Spruce
Rainforest Orchid: tenebrosa
Raisin Tree, Japanese
Ralf English Ivy
Ralph's Desertwillow
Ramie Ramie
Ramie (spp.)
Ramie Ramie
Ramona Hybrid Clematis
Rampion, Roundheaded
Ram's Horn
Rana Guzmania
Rancheria Grass (spp.)
Rancheria Grass Blue
Rancho Littleleaf Linden
Randi Dawn Dahlia
Rangoon Creeper
Ranululiflorus Plenus Rose of Sharon
Raoulia Greenstone
Raoulia: haastii
Rara Flora Fluke Oriental Spruce
Rare Treat Tall Bearded German Iris
Raspberry Cooler Madagascar Periwinkle
Raspberry Glow Mountain Laurel
Raspberry Ice Alumroot: Heuchera
Raspberry Ice Bougainvillea: Bougainvillea
Raspberry Ice Lungwort: hybrid
Raspberry Pixie Daylily
Raspberry Queen Oriental Poppy
Raspberry Regal Alumroot: Heuchera
Raspberry Regal Alumroot: micrantha
Raspberry Ripple Autumn Sage
Raspberry Ripple Cinquefoil
Raspberry Ripple Mullein
Raspberry Splash Lungwort: hybrid
Raspberry Swirl Rex Begonia
Raspberry Wine Bee Balm: Monarda
Raspberry Wine Butterflybush
Raspberry, Black Jewel
Raspberry, Blackcap Jewel
Raspberry, Flowering
Raspberry, Jewel Black Jewel
Raspberry, Purple Flowering
Raspberry, Red
Raspberry, Virginia
Rata Vine, Flowery
Rata, Northern
Rat's Tail Babiana
Rattlesnake Fern
Rattlesnake Master
Raven Peacock Ginger
Ravenna Grass
RavensWing Chervil
Raydon's Favorite Aromatic Aster
Raywood Ash (spp.)
Razzamatazz Daylily
Razzle Dazzle Rock Rose: Helianthemum
Razzleberry® Chinese Fringe Bush: chinense
Read's Blue Blue Marguerite
Rebecca Lynn Dahlia
Recurva Nana American Arborvitae