All Plants: Sage - Sage (268)
Sage Leaf Rock Rose (spp.)
Sage Leaf Rock Rose Prostratus
Sage Of Bath Garden Sage
Sage (spp.)
Sage Merleau
Sage, Anise Black and Blue
Sage, Anise Costa Rica
Sage, Anise Kobalt
Sage, Autumn (spp.)
Sage, Autumn Chiffon
Sage, Autumn Coral
Sage, Autumn Desert Blaze
Sage, Autumn Moonlight
Sage, Autumn Purple
Sage, Autumn Raspberry Ripple
Sage, Autumn Red
Sage, Autumn San Isidro Moon
Sage, Azure (spp.)
Sage, Azure Blue Spire
Sage, Azure Filagran
Sage, Azure Little Spire
Sage, Azure Longin
Sage, Baby Pink Blush
Sage, Bee
Sage, Bethlehem (spp.)
Sage, Bethlehem Leopard
Sage, Bethlehem Lewis Palmer
Sage, Bethlehem Smokey Blue
Sage, Bicolor
Sage, Blue
Sage, Blue Anise Black and Blue
Sage, Blue Anise Costa Rica
Sage, Blue Anise Kobalt
Sage, Bog
Sage, Brazillian Black and Blue
Sage, Brazillian Costa Rica
Sage, Brazillian Kobalt
Sage, Buchanan's
Sage, Cashmere
Sage, Chaparral
Sage, Cherry Red (spp.)
Sage, Cherry Red Lady in Red
Sage, Clary (spp.)
Sage, Cobalt
Sage, Eyelash
Sage, Eyelash Leaved
Sage, Forsythia
Sage, Garden (spp.)
Sage, Garden Dwarf
Sage, Garden Golden
Sage, Garden Icterina
Sage, Garden Purpurea
Sage, Garden Rachels Gold
Sage, Garden Sage Of Bath
Sage, Garden Tricolor
Sage, Garden Variegated Berggarten
Sage, Garden Woodcote
Sage, Gentian (spp.)
Sage, Gentian Blue Angel
Sage, Gentian Cambridge Blue
Sage, Gentian White Trophy
Sage, Hummingbird (spp.)
Sage, Hummingbird Lady in Red
Sage, Hybrid Rose Queen
Sage, Jerusalem (spp.)
Sage, Jerusalem Leopard
Sage, Jerusalem Lewis Palmer
Sage, Jerusalem Smokey Blue
Sage, Karwinski's
Sage, Kashmir
Sage, Lilac (spp.)
Sage, Lilac Purple Rain
Sage, Louisiana (spp.)
Sage, Louisiana Silver Queen
Sage, Lynn Lowery's Rain Lynn's Legacy
Sage, Lyreleaf (spp.)
Sage, Lyreleaf Burgundy Bliss
Sage, Lyreleaf Purple Knockout
Sage, Lyre-leaved (spp.)
Sage, Lyre-leaved Burgundy Bliss
Sage, Lyre-leaved Purple Knockout
Sage, Meadow Indigo
Sage, Meadow Blue Queen
Sage, Meadow Caradonna
Sage, Meadow Marcus
Sage, Meadow May Night
Sage, Meadow Plumosa
Sage, Meadow Rosenwein
Sage, Mealy Blue (spp.)
Sage, Mealy Blue Argent
Sage, Mealy Blue Reference
Sage, Mealy Blue Rhea
Sage, Mealy Blue Signum
Sage, Mealy Blue Strata
Sage, Mealy Blue Victoria Blue
Sage, Mealycup (spp.)
Sage, Mealycup Argent
Sage, Mealycup Reference
Sage, Mealycup Rhea
Sage, Mealycup Signum
Sage, Mealycup Strata
Sage, Mealycup Victoria Blue
Sage, Mexican Bush (spp.)
Sage, Mexican Bush Santa Barbara
Sage, Mexican (spp.)
Sage, Mexican Limelight
Sage, Painted (spp.)
Sage, Painted Blue Bird
Sage, Painted Claryssa Blue
Sage, Painted Claryssa Mix
Sage, Painted Pink Sunday
Sage, Pineapple Scented
Sage, Pineapple (spp.)
Sage, Pineapple-scented (spp.)
Sage, Pink
Sage, Pitcher
Sage, Prairie (spp.)
Sage, Prairie Silver Queen
Sage, Purple Autumn
Sage, Purple (spp.)
Sage, Purple Compactum
Sage, Rocky Mountain
Sage, Roseleaf (spp.)
Sage, Roseleaf Boutin
Sage, Royal Purple Autumn
Sage, Russian (spp.)
Sage, Russian Blue Spire
Sage, Russian Filagran
Sage, Russian Little Spire
Sage, Russian Longin
Sage, Rusty
Sage, San Miguel Mountain
Sage, Sandhill (spp.)
Sage, Sandhill David's Choice
Sage, Sapphire Black and Blue
Sage, Sapphire Costa Rica
Sage, Sapphire Kobalt
Sage, Scarlet (spp.)
Sage, Scarlet Lady in Red
Sage, Silver
Sage, Small Leaf (spp.)
Sage, Small Leaf Dwarf
Sage, Small Leaf Golden
Sage, Small Leaf Icterina
Sage, Small Leaf Purpurea
Sage, Small Leaf Rachels Gold
Sage, Small Leaf Sage Of Bath
Sage, Small Leaf Tricolor
Sage, Small Leaf Variegated Berggarten
Sage, Small Leaf Woodcote
Sage, Tarantula (spp.)
Sage, Tarantula Boutin
Sage, Texas Lynn's Legacy
Sage, Texas (spp.)
Sage, Texas Compactum
Sage, Vanhoutte's Brazil (spp.)
Sage, Vanhoutte's Brazil Dancing Flame
Sage, Vanhoutte's Brazil Faye Chapell
Sage, Variegated Japanese Fuji Snow
Sage, West Texas Cobalt
Sage, White (spp.)
Sage, Wild
Sage, Yellow (spp.)
Sage, Yellow Banana Split
Sage, Yellow Bante Rossa
Sage, Yellow Deene Day Smith
Sage, Yellow Landmark™ Rose Glow
Sage, Yellow Lemon Swirl
Sage, Yellow Luscious® Citrus Blend
Sage, Yellow Luscious® Grape
Sage, Yellow Luscious® Lemonade
Sage, Yellow Miss Huff
Sage, Yellow New Gold
Sage, Yellow Patriot Pink Lace
Sage, Yellow Pinata
Sage, Yellow Pink Caprice
Sage, Yellow Popsicles
Sage, Yellow Radiance
Sage, Yellow Radiation
Sage, Yellow Samantha
Sage, Yellow Silver Mound
Sage, Yellow South Beach™ Purple Sky
Sage, Yellow Spreading Sunset
Sage, Yellow Tropical Fruit
Sage: apiana, White
Sage: candidum
Sage: chiapensis, Meadow
Sage: coccinea, Texas (spp.)
Sage: coccinea, Texas Lady in Red
Sage: confertiflora
Sage: fruticosa, Jerusalem
Sage: greggii, Texas (spp.)
Sage: greggii, Texas Chiffon
Sage: greggii, Texas Coral
Sage: greggii, Texas Desert Blaze
Sage: greggii, Texas Moonlight
Sage: greggii, Texas Purple
Sage: greggii, Texas Raspberry Ripple
Sage: greggii, Texas Red
Sage: greggii, Texas San Isidro Moon
Sage: guaranitica, Hummingbird Black and Blue
Sage: guaranitica, Hummingbird Costa Rica
Sage: guaranitica, Hummingbird Kobalt
Sage: holwayii, Meadow
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Cotton Cool
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Dark Vader
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Emerald Isles
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem High Contrast
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Majesty
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem May Bouquet
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Opal
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Raspberry Ice
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Raspberry Splash
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Silver Streamers
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Trevi Fountain
Sage: hybrid, Bethlehem Victorian Brooch
Sage: koyamae, Yellow
Sage: leucantha, Purple (spp.)
Sage: leucantha, Purple Santa Barbara
Sage: leucophracta, Jerusalem
Sage: ludoviciana, White (spp.)
Sage: ludoviciana, White Silver Queen
Sage: officinalis, Jerusalem Sissinghurst White
Sage: pruinosa
Sage: russeliana, Jerusalem
Sage: Salvia Allen Chickering
Sage: Salvia Anthony Parker
Sage: Salvia Bee's Bliss
Sage: Salvia Cherry Queen
Sage: Salvia Indigo Spires
Sage: Salvia Purple Fountain
Sage: Salvia Waverly Pink
Sage: spathacea, Hummingbird
Sage: splendens, Scarlet (spp.)
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Caramba
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Cleopatra
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Empire Red
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Firecracker Wow
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Hotline Red
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Magic Burgundy
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Purple Blaze
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Salsa Salmon
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sangria
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sizzler Burgundy
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sizzler Lavender
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sizzler Lilac Bicolor
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sizzler Mix
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Sizzler Salmon
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Van Houttei
Sage: splendens, Scarlet Vista Red
Sage: tuberosa, Jerusalem
Sage: zygophyllum
Sagebrush (spp.)
Sagebrush Powis Castle
Sagebrush, Beach (spp.)
Sagebrush, Beach David's Choice
Sagebrush, California (spp.)
Sagebrush, California Canyon Gray
Sagebrush, Coastal (spp.)
Sagebrush, Coastal Canyon Gray
Sagebrush, Island
Sagebrush, Trailing (spp.)
Sagebrush, Trailing Canyon Gray
Sagebrush: austriaca
Sagebrush: schmidtiana (spp.)
Sagebrush: schmidtiana Dwarf
Sagebrush: schmidtiana Silver Mound
Sagebrush: tripartitum, Great Basin