Annuals: Prin - Red (110)
Prince of Wales Feather Burgundy
Prince of Wales Feather Pygmy Torch
Prince's Feather Burgundy
Prince's Feather Pygmy Torch
Princess Black Centered Orange Pot Marigold
Princess Flower, Large Leaf
Princess Flower, Silver Leaf
Prism Sunshine Garden Petunia
Profusion Cherry Zinnia
Profusion Orange Zinnia
Profusion White Zinnia
Prophet, Weather
Prospect Fuchsia
Prostrate Spurge
Pumpkin on a Stick
Punch Bowl Godetia
Punky Red Red Fox
Pure Beauty Fuchsia New Guinea Impatiens
Purple Fields Garden Ageratum
Purple Knight Joseph's Coat: Alternanthera
Purple Majesty Millet
Purple Net Toadflax Crown Jewels
Purple Queen Spider Plant: hassleriana
Purple Ruffles Sweet Basil
Purple Sage: leucantha (spp.)
Purple Sage: leucantha Santa Barbara
Purple Spanish Mallow (spp.)
Purple Summer Snapdragon
Purple Wave™ Garden Petunia
Purple with purple leaves Crested Celosia
Purpurascens Fennel
Purslane Fairytale Cinderella
Purslane Fairytale Snow White
Purslane Yubi
Purslane Yubi Apricot
Purslane Yubi Lemon Yellow
Purslane, Milk
Purslane, Summer (spp.)
Purslane, Summer Duet Yellow
Purslane, Summer Wildfire
Pussley (spp.)
Pussley Duet Yellow
Pussley Wildfire
Pussy Tails
Pygmy Torch Prince's Feather
Quartz Burgundy Verbena
Quartz Mix Bedding Verbena
Queen Anne's Lace
Queen Bee Garden Petunia
Queen of Night Hybrid Tulip
Queen of Sheba Hybrid Tulip
Queen Sophia French Marigold
Queeny Purple Hollyhock
Quilled Petals Mix Black-eyed Susan
Rabbit Bush
Rabbit Tail Grass
Rachels Gold Garden Sage
Ragin Cajin Red Ruellia
Ragweed, Annual
Ragweed, Giant
Ragweed, Great
Rainbow Pink Low
Rainbow Pink Rosemarie
Rainbow Pink Snowfire
Ram's Horn
Raspberry Swirl Rex Begonia
Read's Blue Blue Marguerite
Red Ace Diascia
Red Bengala Plume Celosia
Red Cabbage Busaro
Red Cabbage Kohlrabi
Red Cuphea
Red Fox Red Bedding Verbena
Red Fox Flamingo
Red Fox Punky Red
Red Hot Cat's Tail Summer Love
Red Kewpie Plume Celosia
Red Larkspur (spp.)
Red Leaf Cotton
Red Leaf Hibiscus (spp.)
Red Leaf Hibiscus Coppertone (Red Shield)
Red Leaf Hibiscus Haight Ashbury
Red Leaf Hibiscus Jungle Red
Red Millet Purple Majesty
Red Morning Glory: coccinea
Red Nerve Plant
Red Pepper Black Pearl
Red Pepper Carmen
Red Pepper Chilly Chili
Red Pepper Explosive Blast
Red Pepper Explosive Ember
Red Pepper Explosive Ignite
Red Pepper Holiday Flame
Red Pepper Marbles
Red Pepper Mariachi
Red Pepper Masquerade
Red Pepper Medusa
Red Pepper Melody
Red Plume Blanket Flower: pulchella
Red Riding Hood Dahlia
Red Rubin Sweet Basil
Red Ruellia (spp.)
Red Ruellia Ragin Cajin
Red Runner Joseph's Coat: Alternanthera
Red Sea Garden Ageratum
Red Shades Black-eyed Susan Vine
Red Threads Joseph's Coat: Alternanthera
Red Vein Flowering Maple Gold Dust
Red Vein Indian Mallow Gold Dust
Red Velvet Crested Celosia