Attracts Butterflies: Fire - Flow (125)
Fire Barrel Cactus
Firecracker Bush: patens
Firecracker Cactus
Firecracker Penstemon
Firecracker Plant (spp.)
Firecracker Vine
Firecracker Wow Scarlet Sage: splendens
Firepower Heavenly Bamboo
Firethorn Santa Cruz
Firethorn (spp.)
Firethorn Lalandei
Firethorn Variegated
Firethorn: hybrid Red Cushion
Fireweed (spp.)
Fireworks Alumroot: Heuchera
Fireworks Rough-Leaved Goldenrod
First Kiss Rose
First Lady Flowering Dogwood
First Prize Rose
Fishhook Barrel Cactus
Fish-Hook Cactus
Flame Azalea
Flame of the Woods (spp.)
Flame of the Woods Nora Grant
Flame of the Woods Petite Red
Flame Vine: venusta
Flameleaf Sumac: copallina
Flamenco Red Hot Poker
Flamingo Garden Phlox
Flannel Plant
Flasher Daylily
Flatwoods Plum
Flax, Mountain
Florabelle Fuchsia
Florence White Cornflower
Florida Anise (spp.)
Florida Holly
Florida Honeysuckle
Florida Maple (spp.)
Florida Maple Ann Rutledge
Florida Maple Arrowhead
Florida Maple Coleman
Florida Maple Commemoration
Florida Maple Eagle Claw
Florida Maple Endowment
Florida Maple Globosum
Florida Maple Goldspire
Florida Maple Legacy
Florida Maple Newton Sentry
Florida Maple Seneca Chief
Florida Maple Skybound
Florida Maple Sweet Shadow
Florida Maple Temple's Upright
Florida Pinxter Azalea
Florida Poisontree
Florida Privet
Florida Tetrazygia
Florida Yew
Florist's Huckleberry
Floru (Violet Satin®) Rose of Sharon
Floss Flower: hybrid Artist® Blue
Floss Flower: hybrid Artist® Blue Violet
Floss Flower: hybrid Artist® Purple
Floss Flower: hybrid Artist® Rose
Flower Carpet Rose
Flowering Crabapple Adams
Flowering Crabapple Amberina
Flowering Crabapple Beverly
Flowering Crabapple Burgundy
Flowering Crabapple Callaway
Flowering Crabapple David
Flowering Crabapple Dolgo
Flowering Crabapple Donald Wyman
Flowering Crabapple Dorothea
Flowering Crabapple Ellwangeriana
Flowering Crabapple Harvest Gold™
Flowering Crabapple Jewelberry
Flowering Crabapple Jewelcole (Red Jewel™)
Flowering Crabapple Mary Potter
Flowering Crabapple Prairifire
Flowering Crabapple Professor Sprenger
Flowering Crabapple Profusion
Flowering Crabapple Red Barron
Flowering Crabapple Red Jade
Flowering Crabapple Red Splendor
Flowering Crabapple Robinson
Flowering Crabapple Selkirk
Flowering Crabapple Sentinel
Flowering Crabapple Silver Moon
Flowering Crabapple Snowdrift
Flowering Crabapple Spring Sensation™
Flowering Crabapple White Angel
Flowering Crabapple White Gold
Flowering Crabapple Winter Gold
Flowering Dogwood (spp.)
Flowering Dogwood Barton
Flowering Dogwood Cherokee Daybreak
Flowering Dogwood Cherokee Princess
Flowering Dogwood Cherokee Sunset™
Flowering Dogwood Cloud 9
Flowering Dogwood First Lady
Flowering Dogwood Newport Dam
Flowering Dogwood Plena
Flowering Dogwood Poinsett
Flowering Dogwood Rainbow
Flowering Dogwood Rosea
Flowering Dogwood Sweetwater Red
Flowering Dogwood Weaver's White
Flowering Dogwood Welchii
Flowering Dogwood Wonderberry
Flowering Japanese Crabapple
Flowering Maple, Red Vein Gold Dust
Flowering Moss Emerald Blue
Flowering Peach (spp.)
Flowering Peach Corinthian Mauve
Flowering Peach Corinthian Pink
Flowering Peach Corinthian Rose
Flowering Peach Corinthian White
Flowering Raspberry
Flowering Tea Crabapple
Flowering Tobacco (spp.)
Flowering Tobacco Avalon Bright Pink