Herbaceous Plants: Foxt - Fril (81)
Foxtail Agave (spp.)
Foxtail Agave Nova
Foxtail Asparagus Myers
Foxtail Asparagus Sprengeri
Fox-Tail Barley
Foxtail Lady, Shelford
Foxtail Lily
Foxtail Lily: robustus
Foxtail Lily: stenophyllus
Foxtail Lily: tubergeniihybrid
Foxy Common Foxglove
Frackle Alumroot: Heuchera
Fragile Fern Alpine
Fragrant Blue Hosta
Fragrant Bouquet Hosta
Fragrant Evening Primrose
Fragrant Flowered Garlic
Fragrant Giant Hyssop Golden Jubilee
Fragrant Hosta (spp.)
Fragrant Hosta Aphrodite
Fragrant Hosta Grandiflora
Fragrant Hosta Radiance
Fragrant Hosta Venus
Fragrant Iris (spp.)
Fragrant Iris Alba-variegata
Fragrant Iris Gold Edge
Fragrant Iris Variegated
Fragrant Sunshine Wallflower: Erysimum
Fragrant Waterlily (spp.)
Fragrant Waterlily Sulphurea Grandiflora
Francee Hosta: fortunei
Frances Grate Hybrid Geranium
Frances Williams Hosta: sieboldiana
Frans Hals Daylily
Frans Hals Double Daylily
Franz Schubert Garden Phlox
Fratensis Creeping Baby's Breath
Frau Alfred von Mauthner Garden Phlox
Freckle Face (spp.)
Freckle Face Confetti Red
Freckles and Speckles Mangave
Freckles Foamflower: Tiarella
Freckles Zonal Geranium
Freda Clematis
Freddie Boy Louisiana Iris
Freddy Gazania: Gazania
Fredricka Variegated Bromeliad
Freesia Ballerina
Freesia, Common (spp.)
Freesia, Common Yvonne
Freeway Daisy (spp.)
Freeway Daisy Trailing
French Hollyhock Zebrina
French Lavender Kew Red
French Marigold (spp.)
French Marigold Bonanza Bolero
French Marigold Calico
French Marigold Golden Gate
French Marigold Harlequin
French Marigold Mr. Majestic
French Marigold Orange Jacket
French Marigold Queen Sophia
French Marigold Safari Bolero
French Marigold Zenith Golden Yellow
French Tarragon Sativa
French Thyme (spp.)
French Thyme Variegatus
French Vanilla American Marigold
French Willow (spp.)
French Willow White
Fresh Look Gold Plume Celosia
Fresh Look Orange Plume Celosia
Fresh Look Red Plume Celosia
Fresh Look Yellow Plume Celosia
Fried Bananas Hosta
Friendship Plant
Frikart's Aster (spp.)
Frikart's Aster Flora's Delight
Frikart's Aster Wonder of Staffa
Frilly Rose Garden Petunia