Perennials: Foer - Foxt (100)
Foersters Blue Long-Leaf Speedwell
Foliis Variegatis Japanese Pachysandra
Fond Caress Daylily
Fontanesii Green Taro
Football Lily
Foothill Penstemon Blue Bedder
Foothill Penstemon Electric Blue
Foothill Penstemon Margarita BOP
Foothill Penstemon Platina White
Foothill Shooting Star
Forbes Glory of the Snow
Forescate Chives
Forest Cabbage Tree (spp.)
Forest Cabbage Tree Electric Pink
Forest Lily (spp.)
Forest Lily Rosalba
Foret-Me-Not, Summer (spp.)
Foret-Me-Not, Summer Dropmore
Forget-me-not (spp.)
Forget-me-not Bobo Blue
Forget-me-not Early Bird Blue
Forget-me-not Indigo Compacta
Forget-me-not Rosylva
Forget-me-not White
Forget-Me-Not, Creeping (spp.)
Forget-Me-Not, Creeping White
Forget-Me-Not, True (spp.)
Forget-Me-Not, True Pink
Forget-me-not, White Chatham Islands
Formosa Lily
Formosa Toad Lily Amethystina
Formosa Toad Lily Samurai
Forsythia Sage
Fortissimo Daffodil
Fortnight Lily
Fortune Daffodil
Fosteriana Tulip Zombie
Foundling Daffodil
Fountain Bamboo
Fountain Dracaena (spp.)
Fountain Dracaena Purple Tower
Fountain Dracaena Red Sensation
Fountain Dracaena Red Star
Fountain Grass Red Buttons
Fountain Grass (spp.)
Fountain Grass Hamelin
Fountain Grass Little Bunny
Fountain Grass Little Honey
Fountain Grass Moudry
Fountain Grass Orientale
Fountain Grass Purpurascens
Fountain Grass Weserbergland
Fountain Grass: setaceum (spp.)
Fountain Grass: setaceum Giant Purple
Fountain Grass: setaceum Graceful Grasses® Fireworks
Fountain Grass: setaceum Graceful Grasses® Rubrum
Fountain Grass: setaceum Purpureum
Fountain Grass: setaceum Rubrum
Four Leaf Sorrel
Four O'Clock (spp.)
Four O'Clock Broken Colors
Four O'Clock Tea Time Red
Four O'Clock Tea Time Rose
Four O'Clock Tea Time Yellow
Fox Nuts
Fox Red Curley Sedge
Foxglove Penstemon (spp.)
Foxglove Penstemon Husker Red
Foxglove, Chinese
Foxglove, Common (spp.)
Foxglove, Common Excelsior Hybrids
Foxglove, Common Foxy
Foxglove, Common Giant Shirley
Foxglove, Common Pam's Choice
Foxglove, Common White
Foxglove, Grecian
Foxglove, Large Yellow
Foxglove, Rusty (spp.)
Foxglove, Rusty Yellow Herald
Foxglove, Straw
Foxglove, Strawberry
Foxglove, Wild
Foxglove, Willow
Foxglove: lanata
Foxglove: obscura
Foxglove: parviflora
Fox's Brush (spp.)
Fox's Brush Coccineus
Foxtail Agave (spp.)
Foxtail Agave Nova
Foxtail Asparagus Myers
Foxtail Asparagus Sprengeri
Fox-Tail Barley
Foxtail Lady, Shelford
Foxtail Lily
Foxtail Lily: robustus
Foxtail Lily: stenophyllus
Foxtail Lily: tubergeniihybrid