Perennials: Purs - Ranc (100)
Purslane, Rock
Purslane: megarhiza
Purslane: polyandra, Rock
Purslane: umbellata, Rock
Pusillus Dwarf Sweet Flag
Pussy Ears
Pussytoes (spp.)
Pussytoes Rubra
Pussytoes, Stoloniferous (spp.)
Pussytoes, Stoloniferous Rubra
Pussytoes: parvifolia
Pussytoes: rosea
Puya: coerulea violacea
Puya: raimondii
Pyramidal Bugleweed (spp.)
Pyramidal Bugleweed Metallica Crispa
Pyrenean Cranesbill (spp.)
Pyrenean Cranesbill Rose Clair
Pyrenean Cranesbill Wargrave Pink
Pyrenean Cranesbill Winscombe
Pyrenees Thrift
Pyrethrum (spp.)
Pyrethrum Painted Daisy
Pyrethrum Robinson Hybrids
Pyrethrum Robinson's Mix
Pyrethrum Robinson's Red
Pyrolla, Pink
Quadricolor Wandering Jew: zebrina
Quaker Ladies
Quakeress Oregon Fleabane
Quamash Coerulea
Quamash Plena
Quamash White
Quamash, Cusick
Quartz Mix Bedding Verbena
Queen Alexander Astilbe: roseahybrid
Queen Alexander Oriental Poppy
Queen Anne's Thimbles
Queen Josephine Hosta
Queen Lily Ginger (spp.)
Queen Lily Ginger Emperor
Queen of Night Hybrid Tulip
Queen of Sheba Hybrid Tulip
Queen of Siam Chinese Evergreen
Queen of Siam Waterlily
Queen of the Alps (spp.)
Queen of the Alps Blue Star
Queen of the Meadows Golden
Queen of the Meadows Plena
Queen of the Meadows Variegated
Queen of the Night
Queen of the Prairie (spp.)
Queen Victoria Century Plant
Queen's Spiderwort
Queeny Purple Hollyhock
Quicksilver Foamy Bells
Quilled Petals Mix Black-eyed Susan
Quills Sweet Coneflower
Quiver Tree
Rabbit Tracks (spp.)
Rabbit Tracks Herringbone Plant
Rabbit's Foot
Rabbit's Foot Fern
Rachel Alumroot: Heuchera
Rachels Gold Garden Sage
Radar Grecian Windflower
Radiance Fragrant Hosta
Radiant Edger Hosta
Radicchio (spp.)
Radicchio Marina
Ragged Orchid
Ragged Robin
Ragin Cajin Red Ruellia
Ragwort (spp.)
Ragwort Britt-Marie Crawford
Ragwort Desdemona
Ragwort Othello
Railroad Vine
Rain Lily
Rain Lily: candida
Rainbow Plant (spp.)
Rainbow Plant Chameleon
Rainbow River Flax
Rainbow Rockcress (spp.)
Rainbow Rockcress Snow Cap
Rainbow Rockcress Whitewell Gem
Rainbow Sunrise (Maori Queen) New Zealand Flax
Rainforest Orchid: tenebrosa
Ramie Ramie
Ramie (spp.)
Ramie Ramie
Ramona Hybrid Clematis
Rampion, Roundheaded
Rana Guzmania
Rancheria Grass (spp.)
Rancheria Grass Blue