Perennials: Shir - Sick (98)
Shiroman Sacred Lotus
Shiroshima Bamboo
Sho Wu Chih
Shogun Double Japanese Aster
Shooting Star
Shooting Star Winter Rose: ericsmithiihybrid
Shooting Star, Dark Throat
Shooting Star, Foothill
Shooting Star, Henderson's
Shooting Star, Sierra
Shooting Star, Western
Shooting Star, Woodland
Shooting Star: meadia
Short Leaved Aloe (spp.)
Short Leaved Aloe Variegated
Short Ruellia
Short Toothed Mountain Mint
Short tube Lycoris
Sho-Un Hybrid Clematis
Shout New York Aster
Show Stopper Double Impatiens
Showboat Hosta
Showstar Astilbe
Showtime Orchid
Showy Aster
Showy Colchicum (spp.)
Showy Colchicum The Giant
Showy Evening Primrose (spp.)
Showy Evening Primrose Rosea
Showy Fleabane Dignity
Showy Fleabane Prosperity
Showy Fleabane Quakeress
Showy Fleabane Strahlenmeer
Showy Geranium
Showy Lady's Slipper
Showy Libertia
Showy Penstemon
Showy Stonecrop (spp.)
Showy Stonecrop Lidakense
Showy Stonecrop: Hylotelephium SunSparkler® Firecracker
Shredded Umbrella Plant
Shrimp Bush
Shrimp Plant
Shrimp Plant Variegata
Shrimp Plant, Golden
Shrimp Plant, Mexican
Shrimp Plant, Snow
Shrimp Plant, Yellow
Shrub Verbena Bante Rossa
Shrubby Germander
Shuttlecock Fern
Siam Aurora Red Leaf
Siam Beauty Banana
Siam Tulip
Siberian Bluebells
Siberian Bugloss (spp.)
Siberian Bugloss Hadspen Cream
Siberian Bugloss Jack Frost
Siberian Bugloss Langtrees
Siberian Bugloss Langtrees ('Aluminum Spot')
Siberian Bugloss Variegated
Siberian Catnip
Siberian Columbine
Siberian Culver's Root
Siberian Graybeard
Siberian Iris (spp.)
Siberian Iris Baby Sister
Siberian Iris Blue Reverie
Siberian Iris Butter and Sugar
Siberian Iris Caesar's Brother
Siberian Iris Dreaming Spires
Siberian Iris Dreaming Yellow
Siberian Iris Haarswell Haze
Siberian Iris Illini Charm
Siberian Iris Lewelyn & Pansy Purple
Siberian Iris Little White
Siberian Iris Orville Faye
Siberian Iris Ottawa
Siberian Iris Over in Gloryland
Siberian Iris Pink Haze
Siberian Iris Silver Edge
Siberian Iris Sky Wings
Siberian Iris Steve Varner
Siberian Iris Sultan's Ruby
Siberian Iris White Swirl
Siberian Larkspur Blue Butterfly
Siberian Larkspur Blue Mirror
Siberian Larkspur Connecticut Yankee
Siberian Larkspur Pennant
Siberian Larkspur Summer Blues
Siberian Larkspur Tom Thumb
Siberian Meadowsweet Elegantissima
Siberian Squill
Siberian Tea
Siberian Wallflower
Sicillian Sweet Marjoram
Sickle Fern
Sickle Plant