Perennials: Texa - Thre (91)
Texas Clematis Duchess of Albany
Texas Dawn Waterlily
Texas Fire Hybrid Tulip
Texas Gold Columbine
Texas Sage: greggii (spp.)
Texas Sage: greggii Chiffon
Texas Sage: greggii Coral
Texas Sage: greggii Desert Blaze
Texas Sage: greggii Moonlight
Texas Sage: greggii Purple
Texas Sage: greggii Raspberry Ripple
Texas Sage: greggii Red
Texas Sage: greggii San Isidro Moon
Texas Shell Pink Waterlily
Texas Star (spp.)
Texas Star Blue Ice
Texas Star White
Texas Star: coccineus
Texas Sunlight Daylily
Thai Basil Dark Opal
Thailand Giant Strain Giant Elephant Ear
Thalia, Indian Bayou Powdery
Thanksgiving Cactus
Thatching Reed
The Admiral Poppy Anemone
The Beacon Yarrow
The Bishop Sneezeweed: bigelovii
The Blues Blue Stem Grass
The Bride Gladiolus
The Bride Poppy Anemone
The Giant Showy Colchicum
The Governor Lupine
The Grand Crinum
The Lines Petal Anacheilium
The Pearl Sneezewort
The President Garden Canna
The President Sacred Lotus
The Rocket Narrow-Spiked Ligularia
The Sun Blanket Flower: grandiflorahybrid
The Supported Gongora
The Watchman Hollyhock
Theodora Primrose
Theresa Florist's Chrysanthemum
Thermopsis, Carolina
Thermopsis, Lanceleaf
Thick Leaf Phlox Bill Baker
Thimbleweed, Tall
Thin Leaf Sunflower (spp.)
Thin Leaf Sunflower Capenoch Star
Thin Leaf Sunflower Soleil d'Or
This One Daylily
Thistle, Acanthus Leaved
Thistle, Canadian
Thistle, Creeping
Thistle, Globe Arctic Glow
Thistle, Globe (spp.)
Thistle, Globe Blue Glow
Thistle, Plume
Thistle, Small Globe (spp.)
Thistle, Small Globe Taplow Blue
Thistle, Thornless Jolly Joker
Thistle: karatavicus, Globe
Thistle: nivalis, Globe
Thomas Carnation: Dianthus
Thomas Killen Shasta Daisy
Thompson's Yucca
Thorn Apple, Downy Flore Pleno
Thorn Crested Agave
Thornbird Tall Bearded German Iris
Thornless Cactus (spp.)
Thornless Cactus Burbank Thornless
Thornless Thistle Jolly Joker
Thousand Flower Aster Pink Beauty
Thousand Flower Aster Snowbank
Thousand Flower Aster Snowflake
Thread Leaf Agave
Threadleaf Coreopsis Golden Showers
Threadleaf Coreopsis Grandiflora
Threadleaf Coreopsis Moonbeam
Threadleaf Coreopsis Zagreb
Threadleaf Tickseed Golden Eye
Threadleaf Tickseed Marietta Gold Spark
Threadleaf Tickseed Peter's Gold Carpet
Threadleaf Tickseed Smiley
Threadleaf Tickseed Summerlovers Biden 1850
Three-cornered Onion
Three-lobed Coneflower
Three-lobed Malope Vulcan
Three-veined Everlasting
Threeway Sedge