Shrubs: Redb - Rhod (102)
Red-barked Dogwood Argenteo-Marginata
Red-barked Dogwood Bud's Yellow
Red-barked Dogwood Kesselringii
Red-barked Dogwood Spaethii
Redbud, Afgan
Redbud, California
Redbud, Chinese (spp.)
Redbud, Chinese White
Redbud, Griffith's
Redbud, Western
Redbud: siliquastrum
Redell ( Red Balloon™) Viburnum
Redleaf Rose
Redroot Rodeo Lagoon
Redroot (spp.)
Redroot Carmel Creeper
Redroot Hurricane Point
Redroot Louis Edmunds
Redroot: cuneatus rigidus
Redroot: oliganthus
Redroot: oliganthus sorediathus
Redvein Enkianthus Red Bells
Redwings Scotch Heather
Reeve's Spirea
Reevesii Australian Tea Tree
Reflexed Dracaena (spp.)
Reflexed Dracaena Song of India
Reflexed Dracaena Song of Jamaica
Refugio Manzanita
Regent Saskatoon Serviceberry
Regulus Bigleaf Hydrangea
Reis Dwarf Hinoki False Cypress
Remontii Norway Spruce
Renaissance Vanhoutte Spirea
Repandens English Yew
Repandens Japanese Holly
Repens Willowleaf Cotoneaster
Rev. John G. Drayton Japanese Camellia
Rheingold American Arborvitae
Rhodendron, Pacific
Rhododendron King George
Rhododendron, Carolina
Rhododendron, Catawba (spp.)
Rhododendron, Catawba Boursault
Rhododendron, Catawba White
Rhododendron, Cloudland
Rhododendron, Dahurian
Rhododendron, Daurian
Rhododendron, Farges
Rhododendron, Great (spp.)
Rhododendron, Great White
Rhododendron, Great Golden Lights
Rhododendron, Great Great Laurel
Rhododendron, Great Mandrin Lights
Rhododendron, Piedmont
Rhododendron, Rosebay (spp.)
Rhododendron, Rosebay Golden Lights
Rhododendron, Rosebay Great Laurel
Rhododendron, Rosebay Mandrin Lights
Rhododendron: (n) Amy Cotta
Rhododendron: (n) PJM Elite
Rhododendron: aberconwayi
Rhododendron: aureum
Rhododendron: auriculatum
Rhododendron: bureavii
Rhododendron: bureavii taliensia
Rhododendron: carneum
Rhododendron: cinnabarinum
Rhododendron: dendricola
Rhododendron: fulvum
Rhododendron: grande grandia
Rhododendron: horlickianum
Rhododendron: hybrid Else Frye
Rhododendron: hybrid Genevieve Schmidt
Rhododendron: hybrid Gills Triumph
Rhododendron: hybrid Lemon Mist
Rhododendron: hybrid Looderi King George
Rhododendron: hybrid Mrs. G.W. Leak
Rhododendron: hybrid NE Plus Ultra
Rhododendron: hybrid Northern Starburst
Rhododendron: hybrid Noyo Chief
Rhododendron: hybrid Painted Lady
Rhododendron: hybrid Peach Blow
Rhododendron: hybrid Rose Mangles
Rhododendron: hybrid Rubicon
Rhododendron: hybrid Scintillation
Rhododendron: hybrid Sir Charles Lemon
Rhododendron: hybrid Tsuta-momiji
Rhododendron: hybrid Wards Beauty
Rhododendron: hyperythrum
Rhododendron: iteophyllum
Rhododendron: macgregoriae
Rhododendron: micranthum
Rhododendron: minus
Rhododendron: montroseanum
Rhododendron: protistum grandia
Rhododendron: roxieanum
Rhododendron: rubiginosum
Rhododendron: scabrifolium spiciferum
Rhododendron: spp.
Rhododendron: strigillosum
Rhodotera Milkwort
Rhodotypos (spp.)
Rhodotypos Black Jet Bead