Attracts Butterflies: Mour - Nora (94)
Mourning Bride (spp.)
Mouse-eared Coreopsis (spp.)
Mouse-eared Coreopsis Dwarf
Mozart Rose
Mrs. F.J. Close American Holly
Mt. Fuji Garden Phlox
Mt. St. Helens Alumroot: Heuchera
Mu Chinese Date
Mulberry, Black
Mulberry, Common (spp.)
Mulberry, Common Paper Dolls
Mulberry, French
Mulberry, Red
Mulberry, White (spp.)
Mulberry, White Paper Dolls
Mulberry: alba tartarica, White
Mulga, True
Mullein, Common
Multiflora Rose Verdun
Munz Cholla
Muscadine Grape
Musfe Columbine
My Castle Lupine
My Monet® Old Fashioned Weigela
My Pretty Valentine Tall Bearded German Iris
My Ways Daylily
Myers Asparagus Fern
Myrobalan Plum (spp.)
Myrobalan Plum Atropurpurea
Myrobalan Plum Hessei
Myrobalan Plum Mount Saint Helens
Myrobalan Plum Nigra
Myrobalan Plum Thundercloud
Myrtle Dahoon
Myrtle Holly
Mystic Meidiland® Rose
Nana Purpurea Heavenly Bamboo
Nanking Cherry
Narrow Leaf Evening Primrose (spp.)
Narrow Leaf Ironweed Iron Butterfly
Narrow-Leaf Sunflower (spp.)
Nashi Pear
Nasturtium Whirlybird Cream
Native Willow
Needle Palm (spp.)
Needle Palm Bright Edge
Needle Palm Color Guard
Needle Palm Golden Sword
Needle Palm Variegated
Needle Palm: hystrix
Needle-bush Wattle
Neon Lights Rose
Nerve Plant: macdougalii, Red
Netleaf Barberry
Netleaf Hackberry
Nettle, White Hedge
Nevin's Barberry
Nevin's Mahonia
New Beginning Rose
New Dawn Rose
New England Aster (spp.)
New England Aster Alert
New England Aster Alma Potschke
New England Aster Bressingham Pink
New England Aster Purple Dome
New England Aster Red Star
New England Aster Treasurer
New Gold Lantana
New Mexico Agave
New Millennium Mix English Larkspur
New Zealand Chastetree
New Zealand Mahogany
New Zealand Teak
Newport Brush Cherry
Newport Cherry Plum (spp.)
Newport Cherry Plum Atropurpurea
Newport Cherry Plum Hessei
Newport Cherry Plum Mount Saint Helens
Newport Cherry Plum Nigra
Newport Cherry Plum Thundercloud
Newport Dam Flowering Dogwood
Newton Sentry Sugar Maple
Nicotiana (spp.)
Nicotiana Avalon Bright Pink
Night Watch Hairy Alumroot
Nigra American Arborvitae
Nigra Cherry Plum
Nigra Inkberry Holly
Nikau Palm
Nitche's Choice Butterflybush
Nora Grant Flame of the Woods
Nora Leigh Garden Phlox