All Plants: Prin - Pros (93)
Prince Calico Aster
Prince Henry Chinese Anemone
Prince Henry Hybrid Windflower
Prince Henry Japanese Windflower
Prince of Wales Creeping Juniper
Prince of Wales Feather (spp.)
Prince of Wales Feather Burgundy
Prince of Wales Feather Pygmy Torch
Prince Rupert Sweet Scented Geranium
Prince's Feather (spp.)
Prince's Feather Burgundy
Prince's Feather Pygmy Torch
Princess Alice Rose
Princess Black Centered Orange Pot Marigold
Princess Diana Apple Serviceberry
Princess Flower
Princess Flower, Large Leaf
Princess Flower, Silver Leaf
Princess Flower, Silver-leaf
Princess Lily Lily of the Incas: hybrid
Princess Palm
Princess Shrubby Cinquefoil
Princess Tree
Princess Tree: tomentosa
Princess Victoria Louise Oriental Poppy
Princeton American Elm
Princeton Gold Chinese Witchhazel
Princeton Purple Butterflybush: hybrid
Prinz Handjeryi Planetree Maple
Prinz Hanendares Planetree Maple
Priscilla Florist's Chrysanthemum
Prism Sunshine Garden Petunia
Pristine Rose
Pristine Saucer Magnolia: soulangianahybrid
Privet Little Thomas
Privet, Amur
Privet, Border
Privet, Chinese (spp.)
Privet, Chinese Excelsum Superbun
Privet, Chinese Tricolor
Privet, Common (spp.)
Privet, Common Lodense
Privet, Florida
Privet, Glossy (spp.)
Privet, Glossy Excelsum Superbun
Privet, Glossy Tricolor
Privet, Golden (spp.)
Privet, Japanese (spp.)
Privet, Japanese Curly Leaf
Privet, Mock
Privet, New Mexico
Privet, Texas (spp.)
Privet, Texas Curly Leaf
Privet, Vicary (spp.)
Privet, Waxleaf (spp.)
Privet, Waxleaf Curly Leaf
Privet: salicifolium
Privet: sinense, Chinese Sunshine
Privet: sinense, Chinese Variegated
Procumbens Norway Spruce
Prof. E. H. Wilson Common Lilac
Prof. van der Wielen Ostrich Plume
Professor Claude Louisiana Iris
Professor Sprenger Flowering Crabapple
Profusion Cherry Zinnia
Profusion Flowering Crabapple
Profusion Orange Zinnia
Profusion White Star
Profusion White Zinnia
Propeller Plant
Prophet, Weather
Prospect Fuchsia
Prosperity Oregon Fleabane
Prospero Garden Phlox
Prostrata Coast Redwood
Prostrata Japanese Plum Yew
Prostrata Norway Spruce
Prostrate Acacia
Prostrate Beauty Korean Fir
Prostrate Blue Blue Rat's Tail
Prostrate Blue Mist Colorado Spruce
Prostrate Juniper
Prostrate Petunia
Prostrate Speedwell Aztec Gold
Prostrate Speedwell Blue Sheen
Prostrate Speedwell Trehane
Prostrate Spurge
Prostrate Tea Tree
Prostratum Pink Cascade New Zealand Tea Tree
Prostratus Creeping Germander
Prostratus Rosemary
Prostratus Sage Leaf Rock Rose